Friday, October 17, 2014

The Power that Propels the Movement

Christians get so confused sometimes about prayer. Some of us think it's our "magic wand" to make God do what we want Him to. Others of us seem to question why we need to pray in the first place if God knows everything.

So why do we pray? Wayne Grudem tells us, "God wants us to pray because prayer expresses our trust in God and is a means whereby our trust in him can increase...God as our Creator delights in being trusted by us as his creatures, for an attitude of dependence is most appropriate to the Creator-creation relationship." (Bible Doctrine, pg. 158)

Prayer does change the way God acts (James 4:2, Luke 11:9-10, 1John 1:9, 2Chron. 7:14) and at the same time our great God knows exactly what we are going to ask before we actually do (Matt. 6:8). This is all part of the mystery of God (Deut. 29:29).

But rest assured that more than anything, prayer allows us to align our will with God's will. (1John 5:14-15, Matt. 6:10).

If you missed Pastor Aaron's sermon last Sunday, you can listen to it here. Listen as he outlines the priority, purpose, and power of PRAYER!

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