Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 1/27/15

Hey Everyone, here are the deals that I found this week. Remember, I want to put resources in your hands to discover the Truth of God's Word. I don't necessarily hold the same positions as some of these authors, but I believe they are still very important to study and understand.


Systematic Theology (3 volumes) by Charles Hodge $3.98

Systematic Theology (3 volumes) by Augustus Strong $1.99

Systematic Theology by Robert Dabney $.99

The Works of Jonathan Edwards (2 volumes) by Jonathan Edwards $2.99

The End For Which God Created the World by Jonathan Edwards $1.99

The Cause of God and Truth by John Gill $1.99

Jesus, The Only Way to God by John Piper $.99

God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment by James Hamilton Jr. $5.99

God is Love: A Biblical & Systematic Theology by Gerald Bray $5.99

The Deep Things of God by Fred Sanders $2.99

Salvation Accomplished by the Son by Robert Peterson $4.99

From Heaven He Came An Sought Her by Varioius $19.49 (more than 50% off)

Recovering Redemption by Matt Chandler $2.99

Jesus On Every Page by David Murray $1.99

The People of God by Trevor Joy $.99

Gospel-Centered Teaching by Trevor Wax $2.99

The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken $2.99

Folly, Grace, and Power by John Koessler $1.99

Don't Stop Believing by Michael Wittmer $1.99


Calvin's (complete set) Commentaries by John Calvin $2.99

Gill's Bible Commentary by John Gill $4.99

Commentary Critical: Ephesians by Robert Jamieson FREE

Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther FREE

Herein Is Love: Numbers by Nancy Ganz $4.99

Church History:

History of the Christian Church (8 Vol.) by Philip Schaff $1.99


You, Your Family, and the Internet by David Clark $.99

Pastoral Ministry:

Preaching & Preachers by D. Martin Lloyd Jones $3.99

What's Best Next by Matthew Perman $3.99

The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make by Hanz Finzel FREE

Brothers We Are Not Professionals by John Piper $2.99


On Guard by William Lane Craig $3.82

Monday, January 26, 2015

Desiring God

One of the most influential Christians, God has used in my life in the last decade has been John Piper. He has written countless books that God has used to grow me closer to Him. His website generates countless articles and blogs to help Christians tackle relevant issues of our day, and his daily devotional has encouraged me to desire God more every day.

You can check out his website here: Desiring God

Like I said, John Piper has written so many books, but above them all his book Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist changed my life forever. It's a lengthy, and heavy read, but well worth your time.

I had the priveledge of attending the final Desiring God National Conference in October of last year. It was something I'll never forget. Below is one of the sermons I was able to sit in on and hear as John Piper spoke about the importance of Scripture.

Be Edified!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 1/20/15

Hey everyone, I am trying something a little different this week. I am categorizing all the books so that you can just skip right to what interests you. Obviously, I will always be a little heavy on the theology section, but I will continue to add or take away categories each week based on the deals I come across. 

I also want to do something else and give you some links to some of the featured authors. It's really important to know who the authors are so you know where they are coming from and what they teach. I don't always post books that agree with my personal theology because I believe you can learn a lot from those you don't agree with, and at the same time it's always important to continue to test what you believe against the Scriptures and make sure that what you believe is TRUE to God's Word! 

Check out these two authors: 


How to Read the Bible Book by Book by Gordon Fee $3.99

The Forgotten Trinity by James White $1.99

Introducing the New Testament by D.A. Carson $1.99

A Model of Christian Maturity by D.A. Carson $2.99

Making Sense of the Future by Wayne Grudem $1.99

Making Sense of the Church by Wayne Grudem $1.99

Making Sense of Salvation by Wayne Grudem $1.99

Making Sense of Man and Sin by Wayne Grudem $1.99

Making Sense of the Bible by Wayne Grudem $1.99

Pleasing God by R.C. Sproul $1.99

God's Love by R.C. Sproul $.99

Abortion by R.C. Sproul $2.99

The Promises of God by R.C. Sproul $3.03

Alone With God by John MacArthur FREE

Standing Strong by John MacArthur $2.99

Found: God's Will by John MacArthur $3.82

The Formation of Christian Doctrine by Malcolm Yarnell $1.99

Believer's Baptism by Thomas Schreiner $1.99

One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian $3.74

Glorious Ruin by Tullian Tchividjian $1.99

The Gospel of the Lord by Michael Bird $3.99


Preaching The Word: Revelation by James Hamilton $5.99

Preaching The Word: Luke by Kent Hughes $5.99

Preaching The Word: Proverbs by Raymond Ortlund $5.99

Preaching The Word: Job by Christopher Ash $5.99

Preaching The Word: Exodus by Philip Ryken $5.99

The New American Commentary: Revelation by Paige Patterson $1.99

Holman OT Commentary: Job by Max Anders $1.99

Holman OT Commentary: Ezekiel by Mark Rooker $1.99

Holman NT Commentary: Matthew by Stu Weber $1.99


The Real Face of Atheism by Ravi Zacharias $2.99

Come Let Us Reason Together by William Lane Craig $1.99

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis $4.99

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis $3.99

Practical Ministry/Theology:

Preaching on Your Feet by Fred Lybrand $1.99


Answering Your Kid's Toughest Questions by Elyse Fitzpatrick $1.99

Manhood Restored by Eric Mason $2.99

When Sinners Say "I DO" by Dave Harvey $1.99

Monday, January 19, 2015

Thinking on Ephesians 1:11-12 Part 1

"In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory."

-Ephesians 1:11-12. (ESV)

"In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined"

Whenever I hear about people receiving an inheritance, my mind seems to gravitate towards stories of loved ones passing and leaving their children a big fat check.

I remember when my grandmother passed away. She left all the grand-kids $5,000.00 each. At the time, I was in college and I was driving a reposed Ford Probe. It was a nice car, but my parents felt like I needed something more reliable for college, so we went out and they bought me a Mazda MX3. I loved that car. It had a hatchback and a sunroof, what more could a guy ask for in 1998.

While I thought I was pretty cool (I assure you, I wasn't), it's extremely important to understand that nothing in this world can completely satisfy us other than Christ. You have most likely heard John Piper say, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."

I say all that because fundamental to this passage, is the idea that as a Christian you get something from God, an inheritance. In our culture, the first thing that pops into our minds when we hear the word, "inheritance" is money.

Please take note: this passage is not saying you were predestined to be rich. While our "health & wealth" heretics would like you to believe that when you "sow your seed of faith into their ministry" God will bless you with material blessing, you cannot come away with that from this passage.

Just read the Book of Job or James and you will see very plainly that Christians go through very low times in our lives, and we are not guaranteed any amount of wealth.

What's really interesting about this phrase, "we have obtained an inheritance" is that it is all ONE Greek word: ἐκληρώθημεν. This word can be translated, "we were made a heritage" or "we have received an inheritance."

One meaning points us toward the understanding that we are the possessions of Christ, while the latter points us toward a view of eternal blessings. I actually think that Paul had both of these perspectives in mind when he wrote this one Greek word.

You see, Paul again is trying to communicate God's very high plan for his children. There is no mistake in God's choice of you. You might not understand why he chose you and redeemed you, but He did, and He did it for a reason.

I have been reading through the OT and as I read through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I can't help but notice what scumbags they were. What kind of guy lies about his wife's identity, knowing that his lie might lead her to be raped? Answer: a scumbag. Abraham did that twice, and Issac did it once. Jacob on the other hand was just a lying, manipulative, little jerk, and through their lives, God just continued to pour down his grace and bless them.

Sometimes God's reasons are just that...God's!

The other really cool thing about this word, ἐκληρώθημεν, used in this verse is that Paul uses a Greek tense that communicates to us the idea of something that is future, yet so certain there is no way it will fail or not come to pass. It's like he's saying it already happened. 

Before time began, you were chosen to be a son or daughter of God and he also pre-determined to lavish on you an uncomprehensible inheritance. Our minds want to quickly gravitate toward the idea of heaven. What can be greater than inheriting eternal life with Christ in heaven?

The truth is that this inheritance if far more than just heaven, it's His unstoppable, undeniable, continuous GRACE that he saturates his children with daily. He doesn't hold it back based on our failures, but rather richly pours it down on us even more when we seem to be at our lowest of places. 

Our inheritance includes all the promises of God. 1 Peter 1:3-4 tells us, "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire."

Paul also tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:22-23, "For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's."

As a child of God, your inheritance is GUARANTEED! 

All we can do in response is to give Him our allegiance. Give him our obedience. Make Him the center of what we live for.

Be Edified.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 1/12/15 (Not really mid week, more like...beginning of the week)

Hey Everyone, this week, I found too many books to post, so below are a few lists that I found with the links so you can browse what's out there.

Each book title is a link to the book on Amazon. You will see between 100-200 titles. 

Click Here for the Book List. 

Also, I know I've posted this link before, but Monergism has a list of over 200 FREE ebooks for you to download. 

Click Here for the Monergism Book List. 

You can also Check out CBDReformed for another list of ebooks on sale between $0-$5

Click Here for the CBD List.

Here are a some FREEBIES:

1. Gospel Formed by J.A. Medders

2. God Can't Sleep by Palmer Chinchen

4. Does Prayer Change Things by R.C. Sproul

Be Edified!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I feel like I should say Happy New Year one more time since I've only posted a mid week book buzz so far this year.

This is something I've been meaning to post for quite some time now. One of my favorite theologians of our day is R.C. Sproul. He has had a profound influence on my life, and he doesn't even know it.

I have been privileged to have attended 2-3 Ligonier Conferences, which is basically a Bible conference that R.C. Sproul heads up every year.  Many of his books are free for you to download, and some of them have been made into lectures and DVDs, and now are FREE online.

Two of his most famous books, (The Holiness of God, and Chosen by God) were made into a series of lectures that you can watch online. I'd love to go through one of these studies with some guys. They look like they were recorded in the 70's, but who cares.

My wife bought me his new book, Everyone's a Theologian for Christmas. I can't wait to get into it. 

By the way, you can pick this book up on our resource table at BLDG28

If you don't know, I graduated from Trinity College in 2002. That is where I really started diving deeper into Reformed Theology. Since Trinity wasn't attached to any specific denomination, I was able to learn about so many different points of view, and when it came to the doctrine of Salvation, I became convinced that the Reformed view is simply what the Scriptures teach.

As you can see, Ligonier Ministries has been a great resource for me over the years. During the 2015 year I hope to highlight other ministries God has used to shape and mold me over the year.  I hope these resources can minister to you as well, as we continue to strive to know God more and seek the spread of His Gospel.

Be Edified!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 1/6/14

Happy New Year Everyone! It's been a great Christmas break, but it's time to get back to business. I have a great list of books for you this week. Enjoy!

1. To Live is Christ to Die is Gain by Matt Chandler $2.24 print price: $15.99

2. Reaching the Lost by Bobby Jamieson $4.61 print price: $7.99

3. Glorius Ruin by Tullian Tchividjian $1.99 print price: $14.99

4. One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian $3.74 print price: $15.99

5. Transformational Church by Thom Rainer $2.99 print price: $22.99

6. Simple Church by Thom Rainer $2.99 print price: $14.99

7. Perspectives on Church Government by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

8. Who Runs the Church? 4 Views on Church Government by Various $2.99 print price: $18.99

9. Four Views on Divine Providence by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

10. Four Views on the Historical Adam by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

11. Three Views of the NT Use of the OT by Various $2.99 print price: $17.99

12. Five Views on Apologetics by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

13. Three Views on Creation and Evolution by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

14. Two Views on Women in Ministry by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

15. Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond by Various $2.99 print price: $18.99

16. Four Views on the Book of Revelation by Various $2.99 print price: $17.99

17. Five Views on Sanctification by Various $2.99 print price: $17.99

18. Four Views on Eternal Security by Various $2.99 print price: $18.99

19. Remarriage After Divorce in Today's Church: 3 Views by Various $2.99 print price: N/A

20. Four Views on Hell by Various $2.99 print price: $16.99

21. Are Miraculous Gifts For Today by Various $2.99 print price: $19.99

22. Six Views on Exploring the Worship Spectrum by Various $2.99 print price: $17.99

23. To The Glory of God by James Montgomery Boice $1.99 print price: $14.99

24. Planting Missional Churches by Ed Stetzer $2.99 print price: $21.99

25. Calvin on the Christian Life by Michael Horton $3.99 print price: $19.99

26. Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life by Stephen Nichols $3.99 print price: $17.99

27. Edwards on the Christian Life by Dane Ortland $3.99 print price: $18.99

28. E.M. Bounds on Prayer by E.M. Bounds $1.99 print price: $12.99

29. Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church by D.A. Carson $2.99 print price: $14.99

30. Worship by the Book by Mark Ashton $2.99 print price: $16.99

31. Historical Theology by Gregg Allison $4.99 print price: $44.99

32. Theology in the Context of World Christianity by Timothy Tennent $4.99 print price: $24.99

33. Worldly Saints by Leland Ryken $2.99 print price: $19.99

34. The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission by John Dickson $2.99 print price: N/A

35. For Calvinism by Michael Horton $2.99 print price: $16.99

36. Forever by Paul David Tripp $2.99 print price: $14.99

37. Come Let Us Reason by William Land Craig $.99 print price: $24.99

38. The End of Christianity by William Demski $.99 print price: $22.99

39. Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony FREE print price: $15.99


40. The NIV Application Commentary: The Letters of John by Gary Burge $2.99 print price: $24.99

41. Christ Centered Exposition Commentaries: Mark by Daniel Akin & David Platt $2.99 print price: $12.99

42. Christ-Centered Exposition Commentaries: 1,2,3 John by Daniel Akin $2.99 print price: $12.99

43. Christ-Centered Exposition Commentaries: Ephesians by Tony Merida $2.99 print price: $12.99

44. Christ-Centered Exposition Commentaries: James by David Platt $2.99 print price: $12.99

45. FREE AUDIO BOOK: Morning & Evening by Charles Spurgeon