I have to be honest, today is one of my favorite days of the year. Many Christians would say to me, "How can you say that...today is Satan's holiday."
To those Christians that think today is Satan's holiday, I simply say. YOU ARE WRONG! Today is one of the most important days in Christian History, because today we remember the Reformation. It was 497 years ago, today Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. While this single event is not the only act that sparked the Protestant Reformation, it did become the one that history remembers.
I can't tell you how important it is for Christians to understand that today is not "Satan's day." When I hear Christians say that, I want to scream! No day is ever Satan's day! We serve a sovereign God who controls all things. None match his power. None match his strength. Satan doesn't get any days. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps. 118:24)
Furthermore, when you study the history behind this day, you find out that even the word, "halloween" comes from Christian roots. The word, "hallow" is an old English word for "saints." "Saints" is another term for Christians. Tomorrow is known as All Saints Day. It's a day we remember the Christians of the past and their faithfulness to God's Word. Today we should do the same...we should focus on how God used so many men and women of the Reformation to promote and stand firm on the Bible!
Hebrews 13:7 says, "Remember you leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."
Today is a day to remember that Christians of the past fought hard, and gave up their lives so that we could have the Word of God. Praise God for October 31st!
If you want to learn more about the history behind Oct. 31 here are some links:
The first article is written by my pastor at BLDG28 Church, Aaron Currin. Just scroll down to the second article titled Halloween: Carnal or Christian?
Desiring God also has some great articles about today:
The Light Shine's on All Hallow's Eve by Jon Bloom
Open the Door to Halloween by Jonathan Parnell
The Reformation: Trick or Treat? by David Mathis
Trick or Treat? It's Martin Luther by David Mathis
The Gospel Coalition has some great articles on the Reformation:
Reformation Then and Now, Here and There by Dan Doriani
Luther's 95 Theses: What You May Not Know and Why They Matter Today by Justin Holcomb
Is the Reformation Over? by Kevin DeYoung
497 Years Ago Today: An Interview with Carl Trueman on Luther's 95 Theses by Justin Taylor
Finally, check this SPOKEN WORD video on Martin Luther and the Reformation.
Be Edified!
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