Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/17/15

HOLY COW! There are some great deals this week! I can't wait to grab some of these for my library. If you need commentaries, most of the Holman Old & New Testament Commentaries are on sale for $1.99 each. If you like Kevin DeYoung, he has a bunch of books on sale. The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Gospel Project Bible are both on sale (GRAB THOSE FOR SURE). Wayne Grudem (one of the best authors on theology that you will ever read) has a bunch of books on sale. Finally, since it's St. Patrick's Day, check out the book on St. Patrick!


Saint Patrick: The Man & His Mission by John Holms $.99

Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung $3.99

The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung $3.99

The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung $.99

Acting the Miracle by John Piper, David Mathis, Kevin DeYoung, Russell Moore, etc...$2.99

Don't Call It A Comeback by Kevin DeYoung, D.A. Carson, Tullian Tchividjian, Tim Challies...$2.99

The Promises of Grace by Bryan Chapell $1.99

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney $2.99

Lit: A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke $1.99

Making Sense of the Bible by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Salvation by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Man & Sin by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Christ & the Spirit by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of the Church by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of the Future by Wayne Grudem $.99

Women of the Old Testament by Abraham Kuyper $.99

Lectures To My Students by Charles Spurgeon $.99

The Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition by William VanDoodewaard $2.99

Journeys of Faith: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Anglicanism by Various $.99

God Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents God by Various $.99

Teaching Predestination by David Kranendonk $4.99

Intro to Reformed Scholasticism by Willem J. van Asselt $4.99

Unity and Continuity in Covenantal Thought by Andrew Woolsey $4.99

The Five Points of Calvinism by Edwin H. Palmer $.99


The Love of Wisdom by James Spiegel $1.99

Think Christianly by Jonathan Morrow $.99

There Is A Plan by Ravi Zacharias $.99

Intellectuals Don't Need God & Other Modern Myths by Alister McGrath $.99

Is Jesus the Only Savior? by Ronald Nash $.99

Is God a Moral Monster? by Paul Copan $2.99


HOTC: Genesis  by Kenneth Gangel $1.99

HOTC: Deuteronomy by Doug McIntosh $1.99

HOTC: 1&2Kings by Gary Inriq $1.99

HOTC: 1&2 Chronicles by Winfred Corduan $1.99

HOTC: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther by Knute Larson $1.99

HOTC: Nahum, Malachi by Stephen Miller $1.99

HNTC: Mark by Rodney Cooper $1.99

HNTC: Luke by Trent Butler $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Corinthians by Richard L. Pratt, Jr. $1.99

HNTC: Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians by Max Anders $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Knute Larson $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, Jude by David Walls $1.99

Christian Living:

Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian $1.99

The Hardest Peace by Karen Tippetts $2.99

Morning by Morning by Charles Spurgeon $.99

How to Be a Christian in a Brave New World by Joni Eareckson Tada $.99

Handle with Prayer by Charles Stanley FREE

Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport by Richard Mouw $.99


The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones $.99

The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook: The Gospel Project by B&H Editoral Staff $1.12

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