Thursday, March 05, 2015


For the past two years I have been attending the LIBERATE Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This conference is truly unlike any other Bible conference that I have attended. LIBERATE exists for the sole purpose of proclaiming the freedom we have to live for Christ because we have been bought, redeemed, adopted, and justified.

The point is that there is NO MORE work to be done to secure your standing before our Holy God. Christ has done it all.

Because of His perfect obedience to the Father, God now looks at each of his children and we know that when we stand before Him some day, He will say, "Well done thy good and faithful servant" not because we were faithful, but because Christ was, and the Father has imputed Christ's perfect righteousness to us.

So we are FREE. It's time to start living out that freedom. It's time to view ourselves through the lense of justification so that we can bring glory to our father and good news to our neighbor.

This is the mission of Tullian Tchividjian. This is the mission of every blood bought saint who desires to live a rich and holy life.

Above is a picture of myself with Paul Tripp. This year, he was one of my favorite speakers. I think Paul Tripp must be the most quotable guy on Twitter, and his stache is the BEST. I confess, I wanted a picture with that stache!

This year, each vendor was giving some sort of prize if you took a picture at their table and posted it to Twitter. I don't ever win anything, but this year, I did. I won some sweet books from Southern Seminary. Thank you Southern!

This year, my wife's family tagged along. Above is a picture of (from Right to Left) my wife, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. 

This year we ran into some controversy through some of the things Tullian and Steve Brown said, but I am confident that God was working even in the midst of controversy to drive us to the Word and sharpen each and every one of us. 

All in all it was a great conference that I recommend. Every year I come away with a deeper passion to dive into the Word of God, a deeper understanding of my position in Christ, and deep conviction to share that message with other believers trapped in legalism. 

Be Edified! 

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