Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/31/15

This is a great week for downloading books. There are a bunch of books that I have re-listed from previous weeks that are back on sale. Make sure you check out the John Piper and Francis Chan books that are on sale this week. I recommend you grab the Jerry Bridges book, The Pursuit of Holiness.

How God Became Jesus by Michael Bird $4.27

Christ-Centered Apologetics by Joel Furches $2.99

Proof: Finding Freedom in Irresistible Grace by Daniel Montgomery $4.27

Know the Creeds and Councils by Justin Holcomb $3.79

Know the Heretics by Justin Holcomb $3.79

The End of Christianity by William Demski $.99

Intellectuals Don't Need God by Alister McGrath $.99

Biblical Words and their Meanings by Moises Silva $.99

There is a Plan by Ravi Zacharias $.99

Women of the Old Testament by Abraham Kuyper $.99

The Next Story by Tim Challies $4.27

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy by Various $4.27

Holy Ground by Christopher Castaldo $5.98

Bible Answers by Derek Prime $2.99

Salvation by Crucifixion by Philip Ryken $2.99

Five Points by John Piper $3.99

Doctrine Matters by John Piper $2.99

Risk is Right by John Piper $5.49

Killjoys by John Piper $2.99

The In-Between by Jeff Goins $2.51

Wrecked by Jeff Goins $2.51

The World and the Word by Eugene Merrill $.99

Andrew Fuller by Paul Brewster $.99

Holman Concise Bible Dictionary $.99

Manhood Restored by Eric Mason $2.99

When Missions Shapes the Mission by David Horner $.99

Ordinary by Tony Merida $4.99

Understanding World Religions by George Braswell $.99

Beat God to the Punch by Eric Mason $2.99

Long Story Short: 10 Minute Family Devotions by Marty Machowski $4.99

Old Story New: 10 Minute Family Devotions by Marty Machowski $3.99

Forgotten God by Francis Chan $4.99

Multiply by Francis Chan $2.99

Erasing Hell by Francis Chan $3.99

Am I Called? by Dave Harvey $2.99

Expositional Preaching by David Helm $3.99

Sensing Jesus by Zack Eswine $3.99

The Pastor's Justification by Jared Wilson $1.99

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges $2.99

US: A User's Guide by Dan Tocchini FREE

Crucify by Timothy Stoner FREE

The Action Bible by Sergio Cariello $4.99

On Guard by William Lane Craig $3.99

One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian $3.99

It Is Finished by Tullian Tchividjian $6.99

The Work of Christ by RC Sproul $2.99

Discovering the God Who Is by RC Sproul $3.99

Mom Enough by Desiring God/Various $2.99

12 Challenges Churches Face by Mark Dever $3.99

How People Change by Paul Tripp $2.99

Be Edified!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/24/15

Hey everyone, my list is a little shorter this week. I haven't seen a lot of new deals out there, but there are some great deals on books to help us prepare ourselves for holy week.

I am featuring 2 books by Kara Tippetts. If you don't know who Kara is, she is the wife of an A29 pastor in Colorado who has been a very aggressive form of breast cancer for years. She passed away this week. She has four children. below are some links to her story.

Here is Kara Tippetts at the Multiply Conference. Here is a trailer that talks a little bit about her story.
Finally, check out this article about Kara from churchleaders.com.

The Final Days of Jesus by Andreas J. Kostenberger $3.99

Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian $1.99

Lit: A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke $1.99

Hearing God's Voice by Vern Heidebrecht FREE

A Shelter in the Time of Storm by Paul David Tripp $2.99

Scandalous by D. A. Carson $2.99

Know the Heretics by Justin S. Holcomb $3.99

Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites by Bradley R.E. Wright $.99

To Live is Christ To Die is Gain by Matt Chandler $2.51

Five Points by John Piper $3.99

The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts $2.99

Big Love by Kara Tippetts $2.99


HOTC: Genesis  by Kenneth Gangel $1.99

HOTC: Deuteronomy by Doug McIntosh $1.99

HOTC: 1&2Kings by Gary Inriq $1.99

HOTC: 1&2 Chronicles by Winfred Corduan $1.99

HOTC: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther by Knute Larson $1.99

HOTC: Nahum, Malachi by Stephen Miller $1.99

HNTC: Mark by Rodney Cooper $1.99

HNTC: Luke by Trent Butler $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Corinthians by Richard L. Pratt, Jr. $1.99

HNTC: Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians by Max Anders $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Knute Larson $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, Jude by David Walls $1.99

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thinking on Ephesians 1:13-14 Part 1

"In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory." (ESV)

This past week I have spent a lot of time explaining the imputed righteousness of Christ to people. It's part of the gospel that not many Christians truly understand.

Last Friday, I spoke at a Christian school, and after I finished, a lady in her 40's asked me to sit down with her and explain this concept to her one more time.

This is why Jerry Bridges says that we need the gospel every day. There is so much more to it than the cleansing of our sin.

In Ephesians 1:13-14, we come to another deep truth about the gospel that not many Christians may know or understand, and that is the SEALING of the Holy Spirit.

When Paul uses this terminology for what the Holy Spirit does at the point of salvation, he is referring to the an ancient custom. In ancient times, a seal was used as an identification mark. The "seal" spoken of here, is one that would denote "ownership."  At the point of salvation, you are marked, stamped, tattooed.

The point that Paul is making is that this seal is permanent, it's something that can never be undone. But, it's much more than a mark or a stamp or a membership card...what seals the Christian is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit himself. You are literally indwelt by God!

This Scripture passage is teaching us that at the moment you are regenerated, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells within you.

“The metaphor of a seal does not imply that the Holy Spirit has stamped us with a seal … but that he himself is this seal, a sign characterizing our Christian existence1."

There is one more very important point we need to recognize about the seal of a Christian, and that is that by doing so, God is securing our salvation.

John Piper puts it this way, "However you come at this message contained in this word "sealed," it is a message of safety and security in God's love and power. God sends the Holy Spirit as a preserving seal to lock in our faith, as an authenticating seal to validate our sonship, and as a protecting seal to keep out destructive forces. The point is that God wants us to feel secure and safe in his love and power2."

We can rest assure that when we are SEALED with the Holy Spirit, our salvation is FOREVER secure!

Be Edified!

1Witherington, B., III. (2007). The letters to Philemon, the Colossians, and the Ephesians : a socio-rhetorical commentary on the captivity Epistles (p. 237). Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

2 Piper, John, (2012). Sealed By the Spirit Till the Day of Redemption. Minniapolis, MN Desiring God Foundation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/17/15

HOLY COW! There are some great deals this week! I can't wait to grab some of these for my library. If you need commentaries, most of the Holman Old & New Testament Commentaries are on sale for $1.99 each. If you like Kevin DeYoung, he has a bunch of books on sale. The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Gospel Project Bible are both on sale (GRAB THOSE FOR SURE). Wayne Grudem (one of the best authors on theology that you will ever read) has a bunch of books on sale. Finally, since it's St. Patrick's Day, check out the book on St. Patrick!


Saint Patrick: The Man & His Mission by John Holms $.99

Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung $3.99

The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung $3.99

The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung $.99

Acting the Miracle by John Piper, David Mathis, Kevin DeYoung, Russell Moore, etc...$2.99

Don't Call It A Comeback by Kevin DeYoung, D.A. Carson, Tullian Tchividjian, Tim Challies...$2.99

The Promises of Grace by Bryan Chapell $1.99

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney $2.99

Lit: A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke $1.99

Making Sense of the Bible by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Salvation by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Man & Sin by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of Christ & the Spirit by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of the Church by Wayne Grudem $.99

Making Sense of the Future by Wayne Grudem $.99

Women of the Old Testament by Abraham Kuyper $.99

Lectures To My Students by Charles Spurgeon $.99

The Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition by William VanDoodewaard $2.99

Journeys of Faith: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Anglicanism by Various $.99

God Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents God by Various $.99

Teaching Predestination by David Kranendonk $4.99

Intro to Reformed Scholasticism by Willem J. van Asselt $4.99

Unity and Continuity in Covenantal Thought by Andrew Woolsey $4.99

The Five Points of Calvinism by Edwin H. Palmer $.99


The Love of Wisdom by James Spiegel $1.99

Think Christianly by Jonathan Morrow $.99

There Is A Plan by Ravi Zacharias $.99

Intellectuals Don't Need God & Other Modern Myths by Alister McGrath $.99

Is Jesus the Only Savior? by Ronald Nash $.99

Is God a Moral Monster? by Paul Copan $2.99


HOTC: Genesis  by Kenneth Gangel $1.99

HOTC: Deuteronomy by Doug McIntosh $1.99

HOTC: 1&2Kings by Gary Inriq $1.99

HOTC: 1&2 Chronicles by Winfred Corduan $1.99

HOTC: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther by Knute Larson $1.99

HOTC: Nahum, Malachi by Stephen Miller $1.99

HNTC: Mark by Rodney Cooper $1.99

HNTC: Luke by Trent Butler $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Corinthians by Richard L. Pratt, Jr. $1.99

HNTC: Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians by Max Anders $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Knute Larson $1.99

HNTC: 1&2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, Jude by David Walls $1.99

Christian Living:

Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian $1.99

The Hardest Peace by Karen Tippetts $2.99

Morning by Morning by Charles Spurgeon $.99

How to Be a Christian in a Brave New World by Joni Eareckson Tada $.99

Handle with Prayer by Charles Stanley FREE

Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport by Richard Mouw $.99


The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones $.99

The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook: The Gospel Project by B&H Editoral Staff $1.12

Monday, March 16, 2015

"That's just half the Gospel"

This weekend I had the privilege to meet and hear from Dr. Jerry Bridges. Dr. Bridges is certainly one of my mentors of the faith. I read his book, The Discipline of Grace in Bible College.

I think I first learned about Jerry Bridges from my mom. I'm almost positive I've seen her  read many books by him.

In my role as marketing coordinator at Trinity College, I was honored to have dinner with Dr. Bridges, Friday night, then hear him speak.

Then, Dr. Bridges preached at BLDG28 yesterday in both services.

Throughout the entire weekend, a singular theme seemed to permeate his preaching: As Christians we don't understand the WHOLE Gospel of Christ. 

Dr. Bridges focused on 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, which says, "All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

He told us today that his favorite verse in all the Bible was verse 21, because it encompasses the whole of the Gospel. 

If you've spent any length of time in the church, then you have heard people say, "Jesus died on the cross for your sins", and that's true.  Verse 19 tells us that God was reconciling (bringing us back) to himself. Verse 20, Paul makes an appeal to his reader to be reconciled. Verse 21 says that God made Jesus to be sin who knew no sin. 

Dr. Bridges made it a point to make sure we knew that Jesus did not have a sin nature. He was not a son of Adam. He was born of a virgin. You can go to other verses that confirm this - John 3:5, Heb. 4:15, and 1Peter 2:22

You could say that the first part of verse 21 goes hand in hand with Isaiah 53:6. God laid on Christ all of our sin.  One of my favorite passages that explains this truth is Colossians 2:13-14, which tells us that our entire record of sin was nailed to the cross. 

BUT...that's just half the Gospel, Jerry Bridges said...

He then challenged us all to look at the rest of the verse: "so that IN HIM we might become the righteousness of God."

Those two words, IN HIM, describe our union with Christ. You see, Christ not only died for us, he lived for us

Dr. Bridges gave a great example of this: He told us about someone he was explaining this to who landscaped for a living. He said to the man, "What do you do first when you get home after a long day outside working?" The man replied that he goes home, takes a shower and puts on new clothes. Jerry said, "Well, what would your wife say if you just took a shower and put on your old clothes?" The man replied, "She'd have a fit." Jerry then asked, "What if you simply put on new clothes and didn't take a shower." The man exclaimed, "That wouldn't work either." 

I hope you can see Dr. Bridges' point. 

Jesus Christ cleansed us through his blood on the cross (the shower), but he didn't stop there. He also clothed us in the perfect righteousness of Christ so that when we stand before God, He sees complete and perfect obedience. You see that it exactly what God requires from everyone...100% perfection, but we have all failed. We were all born with a sin nature, and everyone of us sin. 

This is why God's grace is so AMAZING! Dr. Bridges explained, "Jesus never, never, never sinned for 33 years." "He perfectly obeyed God for 33 years"...and that righteous life of Christ is now imputed to us.

"He not only died for me, He lived for me." - JB. 

The Second half of the Gospel is that God credited you and I the perfect righteous life that Christ lived. You see the requirement to be saved is not only to be cleansed from all your sin, but to never sin, EVER! We cannot EVER attain this standard on our own. This is why God imputes Christ's righteousness to us. Now, go live a life of obedience from this foundational truth of God's Word. When God looks at you, he sees the perfect obedience of his son. Your identity found is IN HIM.

"Christ was our representative both in death and life." - JB

"Every blessing you receive is bought and paid for by Jesus Christ." - JB

Be Edified!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/10/15


What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert $3.99

Jesus or Nothing by Dan DeWitt $2.99

Preaching? by Alec Motyer $3.99

Your Future Other Half by Rebecca Vandoodewaard $2.99

The Lord's Supper As a Means of Grace by Richard Barcellos $3.99

Identity by Eric Geiger $.99

Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection by Jonathan Dodson $.99

Biblical Words and Their Meaning by Moises Silva $.99

Five Points by John Piper $6.99

Untamable God by Stephen Altrogge $2.99

Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart by J.D. Greear $2.99

To Live is Christ to Die is Gain by Matt Chandler $2.99

Doctrine Matters by John Piper $2.99

Understanding 4 Views on Baptism by Various $5.98

Perspectives on the Doctrine of God by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Christian Worship by Various $2.99

Perspectives on the Ending of Mark by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Spirit Baptism by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Tithing by Various $2.99

A Case for Progressive Dispensationalism by Robert Saucy $.99

Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis $1.99

Made For Heaven by C.S. Lewis $2.99

A to Z with C.S. Lewis by Louis A. Markos $.99


Covenant Apologetics by K. Scott Oliphint $3.99

Apologetics for the 21st Century by Louis Markos $3.99

Can You Believe It's True? by John S. Feinburg $5.99

Christ-Centered Apologetics by Joel Furches $2.99

What Have They Done With Jesus? by Ben Witherington III $.99

If God Made the Universe, Who Made God? by Various $2.99

Richard Dawkins and His God Delusion by J. Steve Miller $2.99


The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones $.99

Perspectives on Your Child's Education by Various $2.99

Church History:

The Story of Christianity Vol. 1 by Justo Gonzalez $3.79

The Story of Christianity Vol. 2 by Justo Gonzalez $3.99

Heresy by Alister McGrath $.99

Amazing Grace by Eric Metaxas $4.99


ZIBB Commentaries: Romans, Galatians by Douglas Moo $.99

ZIBB Commentaries: 1&2  Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus by Jeffrey Weima $.99

Thursday, March 05, 2015


For the past two years I have been attending the LIBERATE Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This conference is truly unlike any other Bible conference that I have attended. LIBERATE exists for the sole purpose of proclaiming the freedom we have to live for Christ because we have been bought, redeemed, adopted, and justified.

The point is that there is NO MORE work to be done to secure your standing before our Holy God. Christ has done it all.

Because of His perfect obedience to the Father, God now looks at each of his children and we know that when we stand before Him some day, He will say, "Well done thy good and faithful servant" not because we were faithful, but because Christ was, and the Father has imputed Christ's perfect righteousness to us.

So we are FREE. It's time to start living out that freedom. It's time to view ourselves through the lense of justification so that we can bring glory to our father and good news to our neighbor.

This is the mission of Tullian Tchividjian. This is the mission of every blood bought saint who desires to live a rich and holy life.

Above is a picture of myself with Paul Tripp. This year, he was one of my favorite speakers. I think Paul Tripp must be the most quotable guy on Twitter, and his stache is the BEST. I confess, I wanted a picture with that stache!

This year, each vendor was giving some sort of prize if you took a picture at their table and posted it to Twitter. I don't ever win anything, but this year, I did. I won some sweet books from Southern Seminary. Thank you Southern!

This year, my wife's family tagged along. Above is a picture of (from Right to Left) my wife, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. 

This year we ran into some controversy through some of the things Tullian and Steve Brown said, but I am confident that God was working even in the midst of controversy to drive us to the Word and sharpen each and every one of us. 

All in all it was a great conference that I recommend. Every year I come away with a deeper passion to dive into the Word of God, a deeper understanding of my position in Christ, and deep conviction to share that message with other believers trapped in legalism. 

Be Edified! 

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Mid Week Book Buzz 3/4/15

March is The Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month, so I am finding a number of books by Christian female authors that have been drastically discounted. Also, there is a big sale on the "Perspectives" series (books that focus on a particular issue, and give various views). Finally you will see a group of Christian comic books in today's post. I actually picked a couple of these up for my son at a conference, and they are great. We also have the Action Bible and love it. I hope that these resources bring you edification. SOLI DEO GLORIA!


Fierce Convictions by Karon Prior $3.79

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman $3.99

Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman $3.99

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkins $3.99

Practical Theology for Women by Wendy Alsup $2.99

By His Wounds You Are Healed by Wendy Alsup $3.99

To Live is Christ to Die is Gain by Matt Chandler $2.99

Doctrine Matters by John Piper $2.99

Understanding 4 Views on Baptism by Various $1.99

4 Views on the Apostle Paul by Various $3.79

Perspectives on the Doctrine of God by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Election by Various $2.99

Perspectives on the Sabbath by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Christian Worship by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Church Government by Various $2.99

Perspectives on the Ending of Mark by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Spirit Baptism by Various $2.99

The Saint's Spiritual Delight by Thomas Watson FREE

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Regeneration by John Owen FREE

The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded by John Bunyan FREE

Family/Christian Living:

Mom Enough by Gloria Furman $2.99

A Household Gospel by Matthew Sims $2.99

True Beauty by Carolyn Mahaney $3.99

Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler $5.99

Hints For Parents by Gardner Spring $3.19

Killjoys by John Piper $2.99

Perspectives on Family Ministry by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Children's Spiritual Formation by Various $2.99

Perspectives on Tithing by Various $2.99

Social Issues/Apologetics: 

Jesus, Justice, and Gender Rolls by Kathy Keller $2.99

Perspectives on Your Child's Education by Various $2.99

The Case for the Real Jesus by Lee Strobel FREE AUDIO BOOK

Comic Books: 

The Action Bible by David C. Cook $2.99

Jonah by Art Ayris $1.99

David Vol. 1 by Art Ayris $.99

The Revelation by Art Ayris $.99

101 Questions About Bible and Christianity by Art Ayris $.99

Elijah by Michael Pearl $.99

Joshua by Art Ayris $2.99

Exodus by Michael Pearl $1.99

The Christ Vol. 1 by Ben Avery $1.99

The Christ Vol. 2 by Ben Avery $1.99

The Christ Vol. 3 by Ben Avery $.99

The Christ Vol. 4 by Ben Avery $1.99

Martyrs by Various $.99