Sunday, January 11, 2015


I feel like I should say Happy New Year one more time since I've only posted a mid week book buzz so far this year.

This is something I've been meaning to post for quite some time now. One of my favorite theologians of our day is R.C. Sproul. He has had a profound influence on my life, and he doesn't even know it.

I have been privileged to have attended 2-3 Ligonier Conferences, which is basically a Bible conference that R.C. Sproul heads up every year.  Many of his books are free for you to download, and some of them have been made into lectures and DVDs, and now are FREE online.

Two of his most famous books, (The Holiness of God, and Chosen by God) were made into a series of lectures that you can watch online. I'd love to go through one of these studies with some guys. They look like they were recorded in the 70's, but who cares.

My wife bought me his new book, Everyone's a Theologian for Christmas. I can't wait to get into it. 

By the way, you can pick this book up on our resource table at BLDG28

If you don't know, I graduated from Trinity College in 2002. That is where I really started diving deeper into Reformed Theology. Since Trinity wasn't attached to any specific denomination, I was able to learn about so many different points of view, and when it came to the doctrine of Salvation, I became convinced that the Reformed view is simply what the Scriptures teach.

As you can see, Ligonier Ministries has been a great resource for me over the years. During the 2015 year I hope to highlight other ministries God has used to shape and mold me over the year.  I hope these resources can minister to you as well, as we continue to strive to know God more and seek the spread of His Gospel.

Be Edified!

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