Tuesday, March 01, 2016

The Bettelli Buzz Vol. 9: A Busy - Work Week March 1, 2016

So I am beginning to get into the Focus on the Family groove...These past two weeks I have been planning my first trip to Oklahoma. Those of you who don't know, my official title at Focus on the Family is Assistant to the President. I represent Jim Daly and Focus on the Family in Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. So I do a lot of traveling in my position. It's a privilege to work for a ministry and a leader who's #1 objective is to reach people with the love of Christ.

This past week has been filled with so many different activities. I don't want to bore you, so I'll hit the highlights.

This week I got to experience "chapel" at Focus for the first time.

Our chapel speaker was Dr. Ken Fentress. Dr. Fentress is the senior pastor of Montrose Baptist Church in Rockville, Maryland. He is also one of the board members at Focus on the Family. He was also a dean and professor of OT and Hebrew at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he looks like he could be on the offensive line for the Broncos. He's a big guy, and when he speaks, he speaks with power. Chapel was amazing, but what really stood out to me was a lecture he gave the day before on "wisdom in the workplace."

He said some things that really stuck out to me:

"When you extract God from the equation of knowledge you turn knowledge into ignorance."

"Affirming one's wisdom will have a profound effect on their productivity."

"Asking for wisdom is one of those prayers that God will always answer YES to, however you must have made up in your ind that you will obey before he gives it to you."

"People with good sense have a habit of always learning."

"As long as I keep a learning posture, I will always keep growing."

"Good sense involves the constant recognition to analyze."

"Wisdom helps you keep your emotions in check."

I look forward to hearing Dr. Fentress again at Focus. God truly used him to throw some TRUTH in my face. If you are interested in this, let me know and I will see if Focus recorded it.

This past week, my son, George, competed in the ACSI Spelling Bee. He was representing his school, Northbay Christian Academy, for the 3rd grade class. He came in 5th out of 42 contestants. If you can't tell, I'm a very proud father. :)

So who likes In & Out Burger? I do, I do...well, we don't have one in Colorado Springs, but we do have a Drifters. A friend from Focus took me there for lunch a few days ago, and it felt just like In & Out, except it had surfboards and Endless Summer posters on the wall. It was AWESOME! I think I've found my place in this world :)

This past Sunday, I visited Black Forest Chapel...cool name for a church, huh. My Uncle Mike is the pastor there. Uncle Mike has a Ph.D. from TEDS. Yeah, he studied under D.A. Carson, Wayne Grudem, and Doug Moo...no biggie... He preached a great sermon on the sovereignty of God on Sunday. Soli Deo Gloria!

If there is one continued prayer request I have, it's to continue to rest in God's hands through this whole transition. It's not easy. House hunting is not easy, while I realize just the ability to house hunt is a gift of grace, in my depravity I grow so stressed out about it. So, God is teaching me to rest in his timing. I know it's nothing like the anxiousness Abraham probably felt as he lead Isaac up the mountain, but it's still something that I struggle with. Thanks for all of you who have been praying for me and my family through this transition. Your prayers are greatly appreciated...keep them coming! :)

Phil. 4:4-7 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

This passage is my prayer!

Here is you Book Buzz. It's a good list this week. Some great titles to choose from.

Beating the College Death Trap by Alex Chediak $1.99
Do More Better by Tim Challies $5.99
Onward by Russell Moore $2.99
Questions and Ethics by Russell Moore $1.99
Same-sex Marriage & the Future by Russell Moore $1.99
Standing Strong by John MacArthur $1.99
The MacArthur Topical Bible by John MacArthur $3.99
Is Hell for Real or does Everyone Go to Heaven? by Keller, Mohler, Packer, etc... $1.99
Atheism Remix by Albert Mohler $4.99
Biblical Words and Their Meanings by Moises Silva $1.99
Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Miller $0.99
John Calvin's Sermons on 1 Timothy by Ray Van Neste $2.99 (FREE with Kindle Unlimited)
Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley $3.99
Becoming Worldly Saints by Michael Wittmer $1.99
Don't Stop Believing by Michael Wittmer $1.99
Heaven is a Place on Earth by Michael Wittmer $1.99
The Gospel At Work by Sebastian Traeger $1.99
Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem $1.99
Washed & Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality by Wesley Hill $1.99
I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman Geisler $4.99
Writers to Read by Doug Wilson $2.99

Be Edified!

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