Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mid Week Book Buzz 12/15/14

This week's Mid Week Book Buzz has some repeats. As you scroll through the books you will see The Jesus Storybook Bible (#27)  is back. Proof (#9) is on the list again.

There are some great theology books on sale this week. Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology (#11) seems like the BEST deal of the week.

D.A. Carson is the featured author of the week with 4 books on sale (#4-7). Michael Horton has some books on sale as well.  (#13-15 & 31). I'd recommend picking up Elyse Fitzpatrick's Comforts From the Cross (#25).

Don't forget about the 200 books Monergism has to download for FREE!

1. Strange Fire by John MacArthur $3.99 print price: $22.99

2. Finding Faithful Elders & Deacons by Thabiti Anyabwile $.99 print price: $10.99

3. Not by Sight by Jon Bloom $2.52 print price: $12.99

4. The Cross and Christian Ministry by D.A. Carson $1.99 print price: $13.99

5. Telling the Truth by D.A. Carson $5.98 print price: N/A

6. Worship by the Book by D.A. Carson $5.98 print price: $16.99

7.. Scandalous by D.A. Carson $.99 print price: $15.99

8. Conduct Gospel-Centered Funerals by Brian Croft $.99 print price: $10.00

9. Proof: Finding Freedom through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistable Grace by Timothy Paul Jones $2.99 print price: $16.99

10. Historical Theology by Gregg Allison $6.99 print price: $44.99

11. Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem $14.99 print price: $49.99

12. Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem $5.99 print price: $14.99

13. Pilgrim Theology by Michael Horton $7.99 print price: $34.99

14. A Place for Weakness by Michael Horton $5.98 print price: N/A

15. Ordinary by Michael Horton $3.99 print price: $15.99

16. The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen by Sinclair Ferguson $5.76 print price: $16.00

17. Why Christ Came by Joel Beeke $4.99 print price: $10.00

18. The Power of Suffering by John MacArthur $2.99 print price: $14.99

19. Praying Backwards by Bryan Chapell $3.99 print price: $16.99

20. Everyday Prayers by Scotty Smith $3.99 print price: $15.99

21. The Great Exchange by Jerry Bridges $1.99 print price: $17.99

22. Who Am I? Identity in Christ by Jerry Bridges $5.78 print price: $9.99

23. The Cross and Salvation by Bruce Demarest $2.99 print price: $45.00

24. What's So Amazing about Grace? by Philip Yancey $2.99 print price: $14.99

25. Comforts from the Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick $.99 print price: $14.99

26. How God Became Jesus by Michael Bird $4.99 print price: $16.99

27. The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones $1.99 print price: $16.99

28. The Unbelievable Gospel by Jonathan Dodson $3.99 print price: $16.99

29. A Cross-Shattered Church by Stanley Hauerwas $2.51 print price: $20.00

30. Battle Ready by Steve Farrar FREE print price: $15.99

31. The Gospel Driven Life by Michael Horton $2.99 print price: $17.00

32. Taking Christian Moral Thought Seriously by Jeremy Evans $.99 print price: $24.99

33. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas $2.99 print price: $14.99

34. But Don't All Religions Lead to God? by Michael Green $.99 print price: $9.99

35. A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada $2.51 print price: $21.99

36. A Case for Amillennialism by Kim Riddlebarger $5.68 print price: $21.99

Pastor Aaron's Recommendations from Sunday

37. Morning & Evening by Charles Spurgeon $.99 print price: $11.97

38. Everyone's A Theologian by R.C. Sproul $8.99 print price: $19.00

39. Doctrine Matters (paperback) by John Piper $8.99

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