Sunday, August 12, 2012


What is going on? I certainly have not posted the two posts a week I set out to do when I first started this blog. My last post was on July 26 and it is now Aug. 12th. At this point, I will be changing to one blog post a week, and it will probably be posted on the weekend.

Let me update you all on what is going on in my life.

Our family is moving! As many of you know, whenever you get ready for a move, your life gets turned upside down.

Our house is on the market, and we are praying that God will sell it quickly. At the same time, we are fixing it up a bit to make it more attractive for potential buyers.

While all of that is going on, I started a new job and my son started school.  So as you can see, busy is an understatement in our family right now.


It's also a blessing. God has supplied our needs in ways we never could have imagined.

So we are in TRANSITION.

Transition can be a very stressful place, but it is a very exciting place at the same time. In the midst of transition I am forced to increase my faith in Christ and live in a state of vulnerability and dependence on my God who supplies all my needs.

This is a very scary place for many people, but if I truly have the kind of faith I claim to have, it can also be a very peaceful place.

So I am simply living one day at a time. I am allowing myself to be surprised by my Father's daily providence.

Taking a quote from John Piper..."God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him."

This is my motto. I want God to fill me with satisfaction and joy daily so that his name can be lifted up.

Phil 4:6-7 sums up my mandate right now..."Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus."

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