Friday, May 25, 2012

Welcome Message

Good Morning everyone. I have decided to give this blogging thing a chance. I used to love to write in college, but because of "life" I haven't really done much writing since then, but I am excited to see where this goes. 

What can I expect to read on this blog?

This blog is going to be "pastoral" in nature. What I mean by that is that I will be sharing the things God speaks to me about each week. Now, I know what you are thinking, "Forget reading this blog, it's going to be lame!" Well, I hope not. I hope that the things God says to me, and the way He shares them, and the way I communicate them to you will be an encouragement, and thought provoking process. Let me warn you up front, I might get a little controversial sometimes. It probably won't be too heavy, but I do believe God's revelation to us can be very specific, and sometimes as human beings who by "original" nature like to spin things in "our" favor, we miss the great truths of our holy God. So, more than anything, I hope this blog will serve as a "renewing of your mind."

When can I expect new posts?  

My initial plan is to release two posts a week.

Will you be the only writer on this blog?

Initially yes, but I would like to invite guest bloggers in the future. 

What will this blog look like?

I imagine a conglomerate of articles, pictures, and video. I hope to post my own videos and pictures as well as bring in others from commercial sites to discuss. 

Who are you?

You can read my little blurb on the side about where I went to college, but who I really am is a man who has been covered by the grace of God more times than I can count. I am a man who lives and makes decisions knowing I can rest in the sovereignty of my God. I am a man who loves and lifts up his family before himself, and finally I simply want people to know who God truly is. 

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